St. Louis Sports Fans: You Could be the Sports Fan of the Year

Do you think you’re the best sports fan around? Now is your chance to prove it. FanSided just announced their inaugural Fan of the Year contest to reward a fan who consistently exhibits great “Fansmanship”. For those who are out of the loop with the new lingo, “Fansmanship” is the quality of exhibiting positivity as a fan and setting a good example for sports fans everywhere.
The five fans who demonstrate the best “Fansmanship” through a two-minute video or 200-word essay will win a one-year subscription to Sports Illustrated, and the grand prize winner will be featured in the Sports Illustrated magazine.
Plenty of St. Louisans can certainly make a legitimate case for the award. In addition to having the “Best Fans in Baseball” (even if that title is a bit self-appointed at times), St. Louis has a fantastic hockey fan base that often makes Scottrade Center one of the most electrifying environments in the NHL, and though the attendance may not show it, anyone who’s been in the Edward Jones Dome this season can tell you that the Rams fans who show up are extremely passionate and make the Dome an exciting place to be on Sundays. We also saw how devoted Rams fans can be when they came out in force to fight against the team’s potential relocation to Los Angeles at last week’s NFL town hall meeting. So if you’re a St. Louis sports fan and are on the fence about your worthiness as America’s best, go for it!
If you think you’re a worthy candidate or know someone else who would be, head over to the link here to find out how to apply.
Next: Blues Storm Back to Beat Blackhawks 6-5 in Overtime
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